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Reading from the Kindle e-reader can be difficult in dark or dimly lit environments due to the fact that the Kindle does not have a built-in backlight. Instead, the Kindle uses sophisticated E Ink technology to emulate the experience of reading a book.
However, if you plan on reading from your Kindle in situations that require some accessory lighting, you are in luck. There are several lightweight reading lights that are designed to clip on to the Kindle and providing the necessary illumination. Of these options, the Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 stands out as a superior choice, and at an excellent price to boot.
The XtraFlex2 consists of a clip attached to an adjustable arm, at the end of which is the light source. It is simply clamped to the frame of the Kindle, or its case if desired, and the arm is positioned and oriented to illuminate the Kindle screen without getting in the way of reading. Importantly, the XtraFlex2 incorporates an optical-grade lens that spreads the light evenly across the Kindle screen without producing any glare. The light intensity can even be adjusted between 1 and 2 LEDs (which together have the lighting power of 6 normal LEDs) depending on the reading environment. These LEDs have a 100,000 hour lifetime and thus will likely never need to be replaced assuming normal use.
A nice feature of the XtraFlex2 is that its clip can open wide enough to clip onto objects other than the Kindle, such as the edge of a desk or a bedpost. The clip is also padded on both sides to prevent any damage to the Kindle.
It is important for an accessory reading light to be portable, and the XtraFlex2 does not disappoint in this regard. At only 4.8 ounces and with the flexible arm, it can be folded up tightly for easy transport. It is sold in both black and white versions, but it is worth noting that a range of other colors are available for the XtraFlex2 version that is not specifically designed for the Kindle, including silver, blue, green, pink, and purple. You will want to make sure this generic design will work with your Kindle (or other e-reader) before ordering.
As of this writing, the XtraFlex2 has over 800 total reviews on Amazon.com with an average rating of 4 stars, which is excellent. It retails for just $14.99 (Kindle version) or $16.99 (generic version) on Amazon, making it a relatively inexpensive way to enable Kindle reading in dimly lit surroundings. In fact, the XtraFlex2 can be clipped onto regular books as well, or even used as a desk or utility light when needed. It really is quite versatile.
The fact that the Kindle does not have a built-in backlight is not really such a concern when a high quality clip-on reading light like the XtraFlex2 by Mighty Bright is available at a reasonable price. With its small, sleek design, long-lasting, adjustable lighting power, and convenient clamping capability, the XtraFlex2 is simply the best accessory reading light for the Kindle on the market. Hopefully, this review will prompt you to take a closer look at the XtraFlex2 as a way to enable reading from your Kindle anytime and anywhere.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/shopping-articles/electronics-articles/mighty-bright-xtraflex2-clip-light-great-option-kindle-reading-dark-surroundings-645271.html
About Author:
Matt Hawkins is a Kindle fan and avid reader. For additional information on the Mighty Bright Xtraflex2 Clip-On Light and more, visit kindlebacklight.net.Author: Matt Hawkins
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