October 6, 2022 05:02 UTC | Latest articles RSS |Audio RSS|Print RSS
Seven dead in campus shooting at Northern Illinois University
Seven dead in campus shooting at Northern Illinois University
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30 September 2022: Shooting injures three at Kennywood amusement park in Pennsylvania, US
29 September 2022: Numismatic exhibition “Coins of the world” opens in Simferopol, Crimea
27 September 2022: Ukrainian forces continue to push back the Russians
27 September 2022: Polyurethane plastic substitute can biodegrate in seawater, say scientists
26 September 2022: United Kingdom buries Queen Elizabeth II after state funeral
26 September 2022: US trade deficit hits new record
24 September 2022: Hurricane Fiona batters parts of Caribbean
18 September 2022: Powerful earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
12 September 2022: Albania blames Iran for cyberattacks
9 September 2022: Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident
What’s this? We are currently testing a different format for the latest news section which includes the newest stories from each category. You can also see the Old style. Please do not hesitate to voice your opinion about this layout.
Crime and law
Culture and entertainment
Disasters and accidents
Economy and business
Shooting injures three at Kennywood amusement park in Pennsylvania, US
Three injured in drive-by shooting at Six Flags amusement park
Explosions kill four in Laurel, Nebraska
Shooting injures three at Kennywood amusement park in Pennsylvania, US
Numismatic exhibition “Coins of the world” opens in Simferopol, Crimea
Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident
Hurricane Fiona batters parts of Caribbean
Powerful earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident
Shooting injures three at Kennywood amusement park in Pennsylvania, US
US trade deficit hits new record
Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident
Attack at Texas elementary school kills at least 19, including 18 children
Scientists announce decoy-proof Ebola antibodies
Ten-year Tennessee study shows preschool associated with poorer student performance
Polyurethane plastic substitute can biodegrate in seawater, say scientists
Inaugural African Protected Areas Congress closes
Scientists announce decoy-proof Ebola antibodies
Shooting injures three at Kennywood amusement park in Pennsylvania, US
Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident
Texas identifies first death involving monkeypox
United Kingdom buries Queen Elizabeth II after state funeral
Former leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev dies at age 91
Judith Durham, lead singer of The Seekers, dies at 79
Politics and conflicts
Science and technology
Ukrainian forces continue to push back the Russians
Albania blames Iran for cyberattacks
Kenya’s supreme court upholds election result
Polyurethane plastic substitute can biodegrate in seawater, say scientists
Albania blames Iran for cyberattacks
First deep space images from James Webb Space Telescope released
Tour de France: Cédric Vasseur wins stage 10
BBC apologises after ‘Manchester United are rubbish’ appears on news ticker
Brothers Sunshine Coast pick up first win in senior rugby at Australia’s University of the Sunshine Coast
200 in New Delhi, India drink cow urine to fight off COVID-19
Millions don’t turn up to ‘storm’ US airbase for extraterrestrial evidence
Arrests made in theft of gold toilet in England
Central America’
Kenya’s supreme court upholds election result
Inaugural African Protected Areas Congress closes
South African floods kill at least 300 people
North Korea launches first missile over Japan since 2017
Former leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev dies at age 91
Fifty dead in floods, landslides across Northern, Eastern India
Powerful earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
Judith Durham, lead singer of The Seekers, dies at 79
Western Australia Nationals MP Vince Catania to resign from state parliament
Investigation of Deutsche Bank headquarters spills into second day
Fifteen states sue United States President Donald Trump for cancelling program for undocumented immigrant minors
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International row after Spielberg quits 2008 Beijing Olympics
The U.S. film director stepped down as artistic adviser saying that China, which has close links to the Sudanese government, should do more to address the Darfur situation. » Full story
Featured Story
‘Top Model’ winner Jaslene Gonzalez on her career and being a Latina role model
Wikinews talks with America’s Next Top Model’s first Puerto Rican winner, Jaslene Gonzalez, about her childhood, what makes her a strong individual, and what television show her abuela would want her to go on. This is also the first time one of our interviews can also be read in Spanish at Wikinoticias. » Full story
The Print Edition has been temporarily discontinued. Please visit the Print Edition archives for previous editions.
Audio Wikinews
August 06, 2010
Wikinews from October 6, 2008 (More…)
UK government to spy on phone, email, browsing, of entire population
Worldwide markets fall precipitously
Wikinews from October 6, 2007 (More…)
Registered sex offender arrested for luring MySpace teenager to meeting
2007/08 Bundesliga: Stuttgart vs. Hannover
2007/08 Bundesliga: Wolfsburg vs. Hansa Rostock
Darfur rebels threaten to pull out of peace talks
Wikinews from October 6, 2006 (More…)
Security Council set to adopt non-binding text on N. Korea
Jack Straw, Leader of the British House of Commons urges Muslim women to drop full veil
Wrong flag causes diplomatic faux pas in Poland
Same-sex marriage ban upheld in California
Wikinews from October 6, 2005 (More…)
Romania to host Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2006
Romanian president to hold referendum on unicameral parliament
Sri Lanka blast injures one
Five soldiers killed in Southern Thailand
Russia passes laws to annex Ukrainian territories
North Korea launches first missile over Japan since 2017
NASA’s planetary defence spacecraft DART hits Asteroid Dimorphos
Russian troops retreat during Kharkiv offensive
Biden warns of ‘substantial loss of life’ as hurricane Ian regains strength
Which Kazakh City Has the Cleanest Air?
New York City, Russian building vandalisms
Las Vegas marks fifth anniversary of historic mass shooting
Vodafone New Zealand name change to One criticized for its link with white supremacists
Pakistan’s former PM Imran Khan gets bail after arrest warrant
Man shot and killed in Brisbane’s south-west, Corinda school drop-off zone closed for crime scene
Iran protests, 9 killed
Harjinder Singh Sran
Priyanshu Patle
Riverview’s Dark Day
O gasoduto Nord Stream 2 não vaza mais
Atlantic basin unusually quiet during historical peak
Presentation of the textbook “Hobo tourism”
Hurricane Ian
Original reporting First-hand journalism by Wikinews reporters (More…)
Numismatic exhibition “Coins of the world” opens in Simferopol, Crimea
High potential for wildfires across Texas for several days
Ballarat candidates debate climate at election forum
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